Mosquitos bugging you?

Mosquitos bugging you?

I love summer but hate the annoying critters that come with it. We have just added our "Bugs Away" blend to the store- I used this over the weekend with great results! The recipe I used is:

  • 4oz Spray Bottle
  • Witch Hazel
  • Bugs Away Blend
  • Distilled Water


Take a 4 oz essential oil safe spray bottle- fill halfway with witch hazel.  Add 36 drops (1% dilution for kids) or 72 drops (2% dilution for adults) of BUGS AWAY blend. Swirl to mix, top with distilled water. Shake before each use for a much, much better smelling and safer bug spray.

The dilution recommendations are for topical, skin contact sprays. If you are using just on clothing, tents, etc- you can use a stronger dilution.

I also spray this on the screen door before letting my dogs in and out of the house. The Bugs Away blend is also great diffused by a camper door!

Destination Oils Bugs Away Blend

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